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Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.



Send a text message with the dollar amount (e.g. "$10") followed by the word “Ground” to the phone number above. For example: “10 Ground”.

That’s it! You’re done!

If this is your first time giving by text, you will have to fill out a short form with your billing info. After the initial setup, giving is as easy as sending a text message!


Since Rock Hill began in 2017, our mission has been to reach people with the life-giving and life-changing message of Jesus! With this goal at the forefront of our minds, God has done an amazing work at Rock Hill. We have seen hundreds pray to accept Christ as their Savior with nearly 100 people following the Lord in believers baptism. We have had many monumental moments in the last three and a half years and one of those “defining moments” is before us!

It is time to start Gaining Ground. 

After meeting at community centers, schools, hotels, and parking lots, we know that the church is not a building. It is the people. With this in mind, we also know that having a space to use 24/7 can give us limitless opportunities to reach more people! We are praising the Lord for allowing us the opportunity to lease a building for the next 3 years! This will take a great step of faith and a spirit of unity. The gospel compels us to many things and one of those is radical generosity. Just as Christ poured out His life for us on the cross with radical generosity, we are to pour out our lives as an offering to Him and for the sake of others. We believe Gaining Ground can serve as one of the greatest spiritual experiences of our lives as we choose courage over comfort to bring the gospel deeper into our communities.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it for years to come, “The future is bright!” I am believing that God is going to do an amazing work for His Kingdom through us— what an honor! I pray you will join me and my family as we take the next step of faith through generosity, so we can begin Gaining Ground.

- Pastor Matt Chappell


1. PRAY.

There are approximately 840,000 people within a short driving distance of Rock Hill who are not yet Christ Followers. What if we all set an alarm on our phone to go off each day at 8:40am to prompt us to pray for Gaining Ground and those who don’t know Jesus?

2. PLAN.

Begin praying today and ask God how He would have you be a part of the Gaining Ground Offering on September 20th. The Gaining Ground Offering will be designated for the lease of the future Rock Hill property.


Determine to follow God’s leading and join this movement as we Gain Ground for God’s glory!



Send a text message with the dollar amount (e.g. "$10") followed by the word “Ground” to the phone number above. For example: “10 Ground”.

That’s it! You’re done!

If this is your first time giving by text, you will have to fill out a short form with your billing info. After the initial setup, giving is as easy as sending a text message!